Friday, May 23, 2014

Defensive Driving is Safety Driving

“Defensive driving is driving your car in such a way that you avoid collisions and accidents regardless of the conditions and/or actions of the other drivers around you.” This term was first used by the National Safety Council when it launched back in 1964 a systematic driving course based on the experience and safety guidelines set forth by professional drivers who know whereof they speak. It implies that you are a defensive or safety driver if you observe more than traffic laws but also the laws of physics, — that is, by keeping a trained eye on other moving vehicles and evaluating driving options in tight situations.

 No question that driving is fraught with risks. One of the primary risks is posed by other drivers who act as if they own the road. There are speed maniacs who like to overtake everyone. Some people speed aggressively. Others wander into another lane because they may not be paying attention. Drivers may follow too closely, make sudden turns without signaling, or weave in and out of traffic.

Thus, such aggressive drivers are said to account for one-third of all car accidents. Also becoming more of a problem is inattentive driving which applies to multitasking people who while driving talk on their mobile phones, send or check text messages, snack or even watch TV.

You can’t control the actions of other drivers. But updating your defensive driving skills can help you avoid the dangers caused by other people’s bad driving. So before you get behind the wheel of that two-ton frame of glass and steel, here are some tips to help you stay in control:

Keep focus. Driving is primarily a thinking task, and you have a lot of things to think about when you’re behind the wheel: road conditions, your speed and position, observing traffic laws, signs and signals, following directions, being aware of the cars around you, checking your mirrors, and so on and so forth.   By avoiding distractions, such as talking on the phone or eating, you can see potential problems develop and properly react to them.

Be alert. Being alert while driving allows you to react quickly to potential problems, as when the car ahead of you suddenly brakes. Obviously, alcohol or drugs affect a driver’s reaction time and judgment. Driving while drowsy has the same effect and is one of the leading causes of crashes. So rest up before your road trip.

Think safety. Avoiding aggressive and inattentive driving tendencies yourself will put you in a stronger position to deal with other people’s bad driving. Leave plenty of space between you and the car in front. Always lock your doors and wear your seatbelt to protect you from being thrown from the car in a crash.

Have an escape route. In all driving situations, the best way to avoid potential dangers is to position your vehicle where you have the best chance of seeing and being seen. Having an alternate path of travel is essential, so take the position of other vehicles into consideration when determining an alternate path of travel. Always leave yourself an out — a place to move your vehicle if your immediate path of travel was suddenly blocked.

Follow speed limits. Posted speed limits apply to ideal conditions. It’s your responsibility to ensure that your speed matches conditions. In addition, higher speeds make controlling your vehicle that much more difficult if things go wrong. To maintain control of your vehicle, you must control your speed.

If you’re interested in taking a defensive driving course to help sharpen your driving knowledge and skills, contact National Traffic Safety Institute. Most states maintain a list of approved defensive driving course providers. Many of them offer online programs. In some states, you may be eligible for insurance premium discounts, “positive” safe driving points, or other benefits. These courses do cost money, but it’s worth the investment to be a smarter and safer driver.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Let No Car Accidents Happen to You

Vehicular accidents account for over 1,700 deaths and 840,000 injuries yearly in the US alone.  According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, these car mishaps often involve drivers, cyclists and pedestrians who take road safety for granted.  The drivers and motorcycle or bike riders figure in accidents because they have little or no knowledge of defensive driving.  Unfortunate pedestrians that get caught in such road accidents, on the other hand, have not been usually tutored on the safer way of crossing the streets.
National Traffic Safety Institute

Whether as driver of a vehicle or plain pedestrian, everyone is prone to an accident if you fail to observe the basic road safety standards.  For example, you’re inviting trouble if you neglect to look ahead, to your left and right, for cars that may move into your path.  When you’re behind the wheel, it pays to follow the so-called two-second rule by keeping a safe distance behind other vehicles ahead of yours.   

It’s really all about behavioral changes.  People meet accidents on highways because of attitudes and mindsets that need to be altered.  This is exactly what the National Traffic Safety Institute strives to accomplish, which starts with taking a look at your own values and attitudes.

The innovative approach to Defensive Driving courses form our school stresses personal accountability as participants are guided through an interactive curriculum based upon proven behavioral modification principles. In their school, training emphasizes the importance of following safety standards and encouraging personal choice as a means of affecting a positive change in driving. Their mission is to provide the highest level of education both online and in the classroom in all-defensive driving course.  In other words, it makes a defensive driver out of an aggressive driver through behavior modification.

NTSI has a court-approved curriculum for Defensive Driving and Traffic School in several states. The courses it offers online and in a traditional classroom setting includes online driving courses, defensive driving school, traffic survival school online and DMV traffic school, among others.  In order to make your driver and driving school online experience as pleasant as possible, NTSI courses have no hidden fees.  All of the payment options for either Defensive Driving classes or Traffic School classes are clearly stated in the registration process.

Taking the NTSI online Defensive Driving course is convenient.  This allows you to set your own schedule and promote equally effective driver improvement as in traditional classroom settings. It is up to you whether you finish your Defensive Driving course in one sitting or take breaks and continue the Defensive Driving course at your own pace. Being able to take the courses at your own pace helps give you a more productive and rewarding learning experience.  All the NTSI online driving classes are available 24 hours a day.

Upon completion of an online Defensive Driving/Traffic School course, NTSI will report your completion results to the state where you completed the online defensive driving course and/or online traffic school on your behalf*.  For added convenience, the NTSI Defensive Driving/Traffic School courses are now compatible with smart phones and tablets.  You don’t have to wait until you are at a computer to access your course.  You can access it from your mobile device wherever you are! **only for a certain states applies.

 At the National Traffic Safety Institute the goal is to provide course participants with driver improvement through interactive and innovative courses towards narrowing your chances for an accident.  For young drivers, it offers the SNAP program in several states for an affordable price. It helps novice drivers complete an online defensive driving class for point/insurance reductions on rates and pertinent knowledge about driving hazards from distractions.

When you choose this company, you are choosing safety first.  It uses methods that change driving attitudes and produce driver improvement across the board. With over 30 years in defensive driving course curriculum, these online defensive driving classes have been developed, refined and improved to produce the best results.
Visit or Call NTSI today for the courses and certifications it has for your state. Get on the road with sharper driver awareness and confidence.